Name | Birth Date | Played by | Affiliation | Description | Dr. Julian Bashir | 2342 | Siddig El Fadil | Federation | Despite the fact that he talks too much, he is probably one of my favorite characters on DS9. For being an enchanced human-being he sure gets beaten-up a lot. |
Guinan | 19th Century | Whoopi Goldberg | El-Aurians | Even thou she doesn't have a last name, she is over 500 years and met Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). |
James T. Kirk | 2269 | William Shatner | Federation | He might not be a very good singer, but he is one heck of a captian. You would think for being a man's man, he wouldn't have such a winnie for a son. Actually, I was happy when they finally got rid of that repugnant David Marcus. |
Geordi LaForge | 2335 | LeVar Burton | Federation | He might be blind but he is still one of my favorite Star Trek characters. LeVar Burton wrote a sci-fi novel called AFTERMATH |
Ro Laren | 2340 | Michelle Forbes | Federation & Bajoran |
She shows up and then when you start to get to know her she leaves. She could have been on DS9, but noooo! She wanted to pursue her broadway career. |
Dr. Janice Lester | 2269 | Sandra Smith | Federation | "You a murderer many times over" |
Montgomery Scott | UNKNOWN | James Doohan | Federation | The best chief engineer the enterprise ever had. |
Kira Nerys | 2369 | Nana Visitor | Bajoran | Despite the fact that I poke a lot of fun at her exspense, but I do think she is my favoorite Bajoran female on DS9. |
Miles O'Brien | Unknown | Colm Meany | Federation | He was both on Star Trek: TNG and Star Trek: DS9. He married Keiko Ishikawa and was once very afraid of spiders. He was also a tactical officer under Captain Benjamin Maxwell aboard the U.S.S. Rutledge. |
Spock | 2230 | Leonard Nimoy | Federation & Vulcan |
The one and only Mr. Spock. He wrote two autobiographies: I Am Not Spock and I Am Spock. His mother, who is human, is Amanda Grayson and his father was Sarek. He also had a brother, believe it or not, named Sybok. |
Trelane | Unkown | William Campbell | Alien | He was the orginial Q from TOS. He was featured in Star Trek's "The Squire of Gothos". Trelane is actually a child who takes a form of a man. Campbell did other character with TOS, for example, Koloth in "The Trouble with Tribbles". |
Deanna Troi | Unknown | Marina Sirtis | Federation/Betazoid | Her mother is Lwaxana Troi. |