This book has four parts that somewhat connected. The first part is Gulliver, who is a surgeon aboard a ship, finds his way to a country named Lilliput, which is a place runned by people who are six inches tall. The second part is about Gulliver finding himself on Brobdingnag, a place of giants. The thrid part, is a bunch of little adventures, which includes a flying island. The fourth part, Gulliver gets lost in a place that is inhabbited by intelligent horses. All four parts make-up a very interesting book written by Jonathan Swift.
This book was written by George Carlin, who is one of my favorite stand-up comedians. This book is full of funny short-takes and classic short stories. This book was so good that I read it in one day. It is not for children or the easily offended and it contains extreme language. George Carlin has been around since the 1960s. This book is ©1997.
Written by Harper Lee. ©1960. This book is about a little girl named scout and her life in a small town of Maycomb. This is a very beautiful story.
Written by Ray Bradbury. Firemen don't put out fires, but set them. In the near future, books are against the law and are only to be used as firewood. The main character is a fireman named Guy MonTag who meets a sixteen year old girl that reads books and it changes his life. The dialog in the book really sucks, but the whole entire idea being express in this book kicks arse.
Written by Michael Crichton. It about dinosaurs eating people. what else do you ask for. ©1990
Written by david Rubel. ©1998. It's about every president that the United States ever had and it describes them in very fine detail. It's none fiction, but very entertaining. You never look at your money in the same way again.
Written by Chaisson and McMillan. It's a text book and it contains a lot of information about intro astronomy and it dosen't have much math. This is a Third edition.
Written by Reebee Garofalo. It is another text book that had loads of information about music in the 20th Century, since I am a huge music fan I naturally loved this book.
Written by Bram Stoker. It is a lot like the movie, but without the sappy love story between Dracula and Mina.
Now I haven't read Lord of the Rings , but I really enjoyed this novel. It was full of loveable creature and it was fantasy, but intelligent as well. I have to confess that my top ten isn't in any order, so this book isn't nessarily my very favorite, because I like books for different reasons. There are a lot books that almost made the list, but I only picked ten.