System of a Down

Toxicity (2001)

By Hamilton X

I enjoyed this CD very much. I remember when I first saw their video "sugar" on FNV (Modesto Friday Nigh Video) and was impressed by their dark lighting and use of old photage, which gave the whole song a creepness you usually don't find on MTV (sorry, I really should stop picking on them).

This album came out 09/04/2001. System of the down is Seri Tankian (vocals, Keyboards), Daron Malakian (guitar and backing vocals), Shano Odadjian (bass), and John Dolmayan (drums). I don't know why, but I really like it when groups include more than just the average guitar-bass-drums. This group includes Keyboards, but remember adding additional instruments dosen't necessary make a better group (aka Marilyn Manson).

This group is a combination of New Wave, Nirvana, and deathmetal. I really enjoyed this album, even their most dorky song "bounce" hey their is nothing more 80's than a pogo stick. My favorite songs being "Needle", "Prison Song", "forest", and "chop Suey[sic]". The only problem I had with this CD was that a lot of it sounds the same throughout the CD, so I am afraid that I have to take off some points. If you like new wave and deathmetal. If you like Jello Biafra and Nirvana, then you will love this CD. I give it 8.3 out of 10.

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